

For Meditation Organizations

  1. Embarking on a Path of Self-Discovery. Learn how insight meditation helps you understand how to reduce stress and conflict by understanding the true nature of who you are.

  2. Understanding the Power of the Present Moment for a Richer Life. Explore how to bring yourself into the present moment in order to halt the sadness of the past and the anxiety of the future.

  3. Creating World Peace One Meditation Session at a Time. Audiences learn how their meditation practice can bring about individual peace of mind, which in turn ripples out to their community and the world at large.

For Wellness Groups

  1. Decreasing Anxiety with Meditation. Discover science-based meditation practices that will allow you to positively combat crippling anxiety.

  2. Finding Job Satisfaction with a Quiet Mind. Step away from your desk and learn methods of helping you navigate the workplace, and ultimately help you discover what you truly wish to experience in your life.

  3. Ultimate Self-Care. Whether it’s limiting illness, taming anxiety or providing you with a sense of calm, this talk is geared towards helping audiences develop a self-care routine. With a meditation practice in place, listeners learn how to take care of themselves so they can better take care of those they love.

For Businesses

  1. Creating Collaboration with Meditation. Learn how a meditation habit shifts the energy of interoffice competition to goal-focused teamwork.

  2. Cultivating a Calmer Mind for Creativity. Discover the steps for creating a clear, uncluttered mind rich for percolating innovative ideas and solutions.


Thom is a passionate speaker that empowers the audience to understand their ability to live a calmer life. His style is relatable, engaging and poignant, without being out of touch. He understands what the audience is looking for and delivers it on a large scale. Upon leaving, listeners have actionable steps to help them decrease their stress and live more purposefully. The audience experiences firsthand what it feels like to finally be calm, as he guides them through a simple mindfulness exercise designed to help them lessen their anxiety.

“Each member of the audience has taken the first step to understanding their power. It’s my most heartfelt desire to take that spark and give them the necessary tools to create a rich and meaningful life. Together we create a plan to have them become introspective, to move forward calmly, with purpose and joy”

Thom Walters
Meditation Speaker
Host of ZEN commuter and Calmer in 5 on Apple Podcasts